Kopie von We paused kept silence to listen
Kopie von We paused kept silence to listen
graphite on paper, 26.5 x 21 cm
We paused and kept silence to listen
—Dorothy Wordsworth, 7 October 1818
One of a series of ten drawings, part of a body of work looking at how we record experiences of looking and being in the landscape. I have been particularly interested in the writing of Dorothy Wordsworth, Richard Jefferies, Francis Kilvert, John Clare and others who kept notebooks and journals not, in the main, intended for publication. The series of drawings, I sat till I could see no longer, began with lines I found myself extracting from these texts; in each case their words reflect an awareness of looking or being in the landscape; there is a kind of reflexivity or permeability between the body and its surroundings. Coleridge measures his height by the length of a foxglove’s shadow; Dorothy Wordsworth remains sitting and looking for the duration the light allows.
These drawings are available unframed or framed (for UK delivery only) as shown in simple white wooden frames.